Tree Protection Plans and Arboricultural Method Statements

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Tree Protection Plans and Arboricultural Method Statements 2022-07-01T08:27:14+00:00

A key element of the  British Standard 5837 process is the preparation of a Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement. These provide effective tree protection measures along with a clear, workable methodology for development sites.

Most planning applications will require a Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement, either prior to the granting of planning consent or as a pre-commencement condition of the granted planning consent.

As well as having many years of experience in assessing sites and preparing both Tree Protection Plans and Arboricultural Method Statements, Advanced Arboriculture have also prepared a number of Arboricultural Guidance Sheets for use by our clients. These provide scale drawings and specifications for a range of tree protection and special engineering measures. These are all available in PDF format and we are able to refer to these within our tree protection documents, thus saving time and expense in the preparation of these documents.

Tree Protection Plan