Arboricultural Supervision

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Arboricultural Supervision 2022-06-24T10:53:37+00:00

With arboricultural supervision becoming a standard condition for many planning consents, it is essential that this is considered at an early stage in the development process. In our experience, unsupervised sites often don’t provide the necessary tree protection measures. This can lead to enforcement action, stop notices or even fines for damage to trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders.

By comparison, a supervised site usually experiences a significantly reduced level of tree officer intervention. In addition, a documented supervision process will be required by the local planning authority so that they can discharge the relevant conditions on completion. 

How Much Supervision is Necessary?

The degree of supervision necessary is determined by a site’s requirements. Some sites need no supervision at all whereas others may require regular monitoring. Where supervision is required, this commences with a Project Initiation Site Visit prior to any demolition or construction works. The purpose of this is to allow the site manager and arboricultural supervisor to review the Tree Protection Statement and to amend any details as required. Routine inspections will then be scheduled for the duration of the project. All findings are documented to allow the local planning authority to monitor progress if they decide to undertake their own ad hoc inspections.

Certain elements of a project, such as unavoidable construction close to trees, may be the subject of specific method statements, which can require arboricultural supervision for some or all of the activities detailed. We work with the site manager to ensure that these activities can be scheduled with the routine inspections. This helps to control costs and saves time for the busy on site teams.

Finally, if there is an incident involving trees on a site, we can remain on call for the duration of the project to advise on remedial measures and to negotiate with the local planning authority.

Arboricultural Method Statement

We would be delighted to have an informal chat and to provide a free, no-obligation fee proposal for your needs. You are welcome to contact us directly either by telephone on 01395 239002 or you can email us here.